The Rother Association of Local Councils (RALC) is the district association for all Local Councils in the Rother Area of East Sussex who are themselves members of the East Sussex Association of Local Councils (ESALC). At September 2021 there are 32 members, including 29 Parish Councils and 3 Town Councils in Battle, Bexhill and Rye. Bexhill Town Council joined RALC in 2021. Each member pays an annual subscription to RALC and selects 2 representatives from their Council (Clerks and/or Councillors) to join in RALC discussions and attend quarterly meetings. Each Council has one vote at meetings.

The aims of RALC includes the facilitation of exchange of information between Councils, and to maintain dialogue with Rother District Council and East Sussex County Council. The full constitution can be found below and was last reviewed by the Chair in May 2024.

The group appoints a Secretary and is led by an Executive group. The Secretary provides all the group administration, including managing RALC correspondence and accounts. Contact details for the Secretary and Executive are shown on the Contact us Page.